How-to Make Your Closet Seasonal Transition – Summer to Fall

It can be tricky to fit your wardrobe from all seasons in one space when you share your closet or have a smaller closet. Although it can be daunting, rotating my closet each season is one of my favorite things to do! It signifies the fresh start of a new season and the opportunity to purge my closet. The closet transition from Summer to Fall is my favorite. Living in Florida, Fall is sometimes second Summer. Any opportunity to help make things feel like Fall I’m here for it!

closet transition

Purge and Prepare

I transition my closet twice a year: Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter. My rule of thumb has been and will remain that if I didn’t wear something in the last six months, I have to say goodbye. If it fit well and it was my style, I would have worn it. I know it can be hard but think of it like this; you are making room in your closet for new cute things next season!

When you are purging, you can make three piles: trash, donate, and sell. We all have pieces in our wardrobes where we go to purge it and say, I can’t even donate this! This obviously becomes the trash pile. Remember when you donate, they use items that do not have stains, holes, etc. Then we have the pieces that still have the tags, you never wore it, and aren’t really sure why you bought it. This is the sell pile. There are so many ways to re-sell your new and gently used pieces. I talked about this in a post last year, Keeping Only What You Love. Lastly, everything else can go to the donate pile. Time for those pieces to find a new home where they will get lots of use.

Now it’s time to prepare for the closet transition. Make sure you have enough hangers and the right type of hangers. Also, if you like to have any storage bins or dividers this is the time where you would move those around to accommodate for bulkier clothing coming in. I also take a quick second and wipe down the shelves.

Storing Last Season

You’ve got your piles separated. You’ve put your trash pile in the garbage bags. Your donation bins are ready to go and you have a pile of clothes that you are keeping and will continue to love next time you switch your closet back to Spring/Summer.

I would recommend to wash this pile. You want to store these pieces as fresh as possible. They will be in a box or bin for about six months. Placing them in right out of the dryer will help! At this stage I always give another once over. Did anything slip through that maybe shouldn’t have? Is there anything with tags on that you will “definitely wear next year”? This is when I am at my most brutal.

The clothes are washed and all in your bins, now what? If you live in an apartment or your home has available storage space that is slim to none, you may want to consider rotating these to a storage unit. When I lived in an apartment I wish I would have done myself a favor and did this. Instead I looked like a low-key hoarder!

Even better, find a company like Weston Moving and Storage that not only can pick up your boxes and bins for you but they can also store them! They have a climate controlled warehouse where they offer short-term and long-term rentals. If you are needing the space, use this to your advantage. Think of all your seasonal decor that can go here as well! Still kicking myself that I didn’t think of this. They also have commercial movers in Broward County if your office space has moved somewhere within your building or a new building all together. They handle small to large size office moves.

Time For The Closet Transition!

You’re ready! You have a clean slate and you can start filling your closet back up with your Fall/Winter wardrobe. In a similar fashion to when I was putting away last season, before hanging a piece up for the new season I give it a once over. Just because it made it to storage doesn’t mean you will feel the same way about it now.

Last time I transitioned my closet to Fall, I came across a couple of sweaters and thought to myself, why in the world did I keep this? Sometimes seeing a sweater or another piece that you haven’t seen in a long time is all you need to know this is no longer something you want hanging in your closet. The tried and true question can always be, Would I buy this again? Ohh, I know. Brutal.

I want to be able to look in my closet and love everything I see. From an oversized graphic tee to my favorite work wear blouse. If it fits you well and makes you feel good, it’s worth hanging up. Here’s to your Fall closet transition! May your clothes reflect your style and your style speak your personality.

Till Next Time,

Don't Miss It!


***Thank you to Weston Moving and Storage for sponsoring this post***

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