Why I Switched My Collagen After One Year – Vital Proteins to Modere

why I switched to modere

Writing a post on why I switched my collagen after one year was not one I thought I would be writing. Last year around this time I wrote my first blog post on Vital Proteins. I heard great things about it and I was hoping to see similar results. Since I was able to mix it right in with my coffee and was having no negative effects, I was off to a great start. I was taking Vital Proteins for a year and was still waiting for noticeable results. Everyone has a different experience but for me, I just wasn’t seeing anything promising.

Although I wasn’t seeing any results, I was still taking Vital Proteins. At the very least maybe it was keeping my hair thinning at bay. It wasn’t until recently I started hearing about liquid collagen. Any liquid supplement will absorb to your system faster since your body doesn’t have to go through the breakdown process; I was intrigued.

why I switched to modere

I decided to order a bundle from Modere and give it a try. My first order was Biocell Life and Coconut Lime Trim. I have been taking the Biocell Life, which tastes like strawberries by the way, for about a month now. I grabbed the bundle so my boyfriend could take the Trim. After reading up on Trim I felt this was much better for him than what he was taking.

After a month in I wanted to share what results if any I have seen so far. As far as the Biocell Life, I have noticed a few things. In terms of my hair, I haven’t seen any hair growth yet but there is a fairly big improvement on hair shedding and the amount of hair in my comb. It’s a start and I’ll take it! Over the past couple days I have actually noticed that my nails seem very strong and are not peeling.

why I switched to modere

A couple things I want to note about how I switched over. I don’t know if this was necessary but I wanted to cycle off Vital Proteins since I had been taking it for a year. It was about a week and a half before starting the Biocell Life. As for dosage, the bottle says one tablespoon twice daily. For the first month, I have just been taking one tablespoon in the morning to ease into it. Just received my second shipment and will take two tablespoons daily now.

After 30 days there are small differences and ultimately am happy I switched my collagen to Modere. I will have a follow up in another 30-60 days to share a results update.

why I switched to modere

Till next time,

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