Ways to Save Time On a Busy Schedule

A lot has changed this year with the way people do things but searching for ways to save time on a busy day is something that will never cease. Some would argue we are busier now more than ever. The balancing act is real. Sharing some time saving tips that have helped me this year.

The tips I am sharing are easy to implement. Although they are not news breaking, they are things we sometimes don’t think of on our own. Onto my 5 tips to save time on a busy schedule.

Tip #1: Prep coffee and breakfast the night before.

Sometimes at night you may feel tired and just want to sit down. I feel you. This is one tip that sets you up for a successful morning! Most all coffee pots have an automatic timer function. Prep that coffee and take advantage. To me there is nothing better than waking up in the morning and my coffee is in the pot ready to be poured. You’ll want to set your mug out and know where your creamer is in the fridge. Every second counts in the morning! You get very used to this luxury be prepared. You may be like me and on the weekends you are trying to tell Alexa, brew coffee 🙂


Prepping your breakfast is also a huge win. I do this one of two ways. Sometimes on Sundays I will make a breakfast that I can eat throughout the week. Something that is filling, nutritious and will make enough for five days at least. I love baked oatmeal and egg cups when I am going this route.

The other way I prep breakfast is with Oats Overnight. I found these last year and they have been a go to for me ever since. They are quick and easy to put together. Add the packet to 8 oz. of milk (I use almond milk), shake it up and in the fridge it goes till morning. I think you could even split the packet in half since they are very filling. They offer one time ordering and also subscriptions which are little less expensive.


Tip #2: Make a schedule for house chores. I have found if you split chores up throughout the week they become less daunting. I used to save everything till Sunday. Sunday would come around and I would dread the day and also would not end up getting everything done. For our household the weekly chore list looks like this most weeks. Monday – Clean bathrooms Tuesday- Change towels, Clean out fridge and put trash bins out Wednesday – Sweep, vacuum and mop Thursday – Make grocery list and meal plan Friday – Change towels and laundry. Life happens so don’t be hard on yourself if your schedule fluctuates!

Tip #3: Amazon and Target subscriptions/auto ship. This is one thing I found to be so simple that I wasn’t doing till recently. It has truly made a world of difference. The less I need to check off at the grocery store the better. For these subscriptions, I do most of our household non food essentials. Vitamins, body wash, toothpaste etc. Target offers 5% off with their RedCard and free shipping. Amazon also offers a discount for subscription items. Both offer the ability to skip as well in the instance that month the item isn’t needed. Why I didn’t do this sooner I’ll never know.

Tip #4: Set bills up on auto pay. This is not only a huge time saver but really is a load off the mind. Personally, I set up as many bills as I can on a credit card that gives me the most cash back.

Tip#5: Meal subscriptions. I saved this one for last because to be honest it is one I am still researching. I have tried a couple where you cook the meals and I have tried one that comes pre-cooked. None of them were ones I enjoyed enough to continue with. I know this really works for some and they swear by it so I wanted to include it as a tip. If you choose to try one out I would recommend finding one with a coupon code since they can be on the pricey side.

I hope you find these tips helpful to save time on your busy schedule. I have found not having all the little extra things on my mind is such a great release. If you have any tips that you find helpful, would love to hear in the comments below!

Till Next Time,

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  1. October 17, 2020 / 4:14 am

    Thanks for these tips! I must confess, this isn’t the busiest time of my life at the moment. First of all I just look after me, myself and I at ze mo. Sure I have work project from my 9 to 5 job, I do SEO lessons on some evenings and I do digital marketing consultancy work for a school but none of these different work platforms are super tight at the moment.
    But when things revv up, which I’m sure they will, I will remember these coping mechanisms…

    • The Daily Petite
      October 19, 2020 / 9:51 am

      Glad you found them helpful!

  2. October 11, 2020 / 2:48 pm

    These are great tips! I need to be better about prepping the night before also. I use a meal subscription service and I agree that it is a great time saver!

    Thanks for sharing!


    • The Daily Petite
      October 12, 2020 / 6:11 am

      Thanks, Kristie! Yes, any prepping the night before really helps me a lot!

    October 9, 2020 / 7:54 pm

    Thank you for all the tips! very helpful

    • The Daily Petite
      October 11, 2020 / 4:44 pm

      My pleasure! Glad you found them helpful 🙂

    • The Daily Petite
      October 8, 2020 / 7:59 pm

      Glad you thought so! Yes, such a time saver!

  4. October 7, 2020 / 12:27 pm

    These are some great tips! I am going to have to create a schedule for my house chores. I’m sure that will be a big help!

    Find Your Dazzle

    • The Daily Petite
      October 8, 2020 / 7:58 pm

      Glad you found the tips helpful! It really makes a huge difference.

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