Successful Ways To Work From Home

Working from home is unchartered territory for most. During this unique time where the majority of corporate America is either voluntary or mandatory work from home, it can be tricky to navigate. I wanted to share my thoughts on successful ways to work from home in the hopes it can help you adjust more easily.

I have worked from home for the last 3 years and there are definitely pro’s and con’s to it. Especially if this is your first work from home experience, it can take some getting used to. It also takes a great deal of discipline. Here are my top thoughts on successful ways to work from home!

First and foremost I think its super important to remember that what works for co-worker Suzy or me, may not work for you. And that’s ok. It takes a bit of time but you will come to realize what makes you feel more and less productive.

Next, stick to a routine. Get up at the same time everyday. Do your morning routine whatever that may be and then get ready for the day. My morning routine goes something like this. My alarm goes off at 6am, I get up, pour my coffee, and make my breakfast. Around 630am I am seeing my boyfriend off to work. I finish my coffee and my breakfast then get ready for the day.

Separate but included in this is to change out of your pajamas 🙂 I of course still wear comfy clothes after all I’m sitting at home all day but it gets your mind out of sleep mode. By 7 – 730am I am in my office logging onto my computer to start my day.

Distractions are bound to happen. After all, you are working from home. All of the things you could be doing will pop into your head, all day long. That I can promise you. To combat this and at the same time to not sit at my desk for 8-10 hours straight, I take small breaks throughout the day. It will be a surprise what 5 minutes away from your desk can do for you. I take a 30 minute lunch so I can have these little breaks throughout the day.

Successful ways to work from home

While I’m eating breakfast I make a list of any odds and ends I hope to accomplish for the day. Every couple hours I take a 5 minute break and set a timer. Whatever I can accomplish in the 5 minutes is great and I have to leave the rest for my next break. This allows my mind not to wander and to focus on my work when I’m at my desk. You’ll surprise yourself on how much you can get done in 5 minutes and also how fast you’ll move haha. In 5 minutes you can load or unload the dishwasher, start a load of laundry, fold or put away laundry, the list is endless! If you’re having a stressful day, take that 5 minutes to just be away from your desk. Get a drink or a snack and just stand in a different room for a minute.

In terms of background noise, that is something that will depend on your personality. For me it depends on the day, my mood, and how much work I have to get done. Something I wouldn’t recommend is TV or YouTube. This will take your eyes away from your work and create more of a distraction than a focus tool. Podcasts are also great on low for some background noise.

Next up, you’ll really want to try to stick to a work schedule. Start time, lunch time, and end time I strive to keep as close to the same time everyday as possible. For me, the work I do never really ends so when it’s time for me to end my day I completely log off my computer opposed to locking the screen or just being in away mode. This will help you to not go back to your computer for more work.

Lastly, do what works for you! These are my tips in hopes they spark some ideas for you. You may try them and end up modifying them to work for you and your particular circumstances. Would love to hear in the comments if you try any of these tips and how they worked for you! Also, if you have any tips on successful ways to work from home that work well would love to hear.

Till next time,

Don't Miss It!




  1. September 28, 2020 / 1:37 pm

    Oh wow! Thanks for sharing this, very inspirational post :

    • The Daily Petite
      September 28, 2020 / 1:51 pm

      Thank you and so glad you found it helpful!

    September 27, 2020 / 12:50 am

    Ouuh I love how you shared all of these tips! thank you!

    • The Daily Petite
      September 27, 2020 / 9:30 pm

      Of course! Hope they help 🙂

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