Moving After Marriage? – Top 5 Best Moving Tips for Newlyweds

Wether you are moving in together or both moving to a new home to start your lives as newlyweds, you want the process to be as smooth as possible. Let’s face it, you just made it through a very stressful time in your life and don’t need the stress of moving getting in the way of newlywed bliss! I’m sharing my top 5 best moving tips for newlyweds and things I wish I knew.


Tip #1 – Know Your Space

If you aren’t already sharing a space, more specifically a closet, you’re about to be! During the packing process is a good time to take inventory on your wardrobe. When I was packing to move in with Tristan, I made 3 piles when packing my closet: keep, donate, and trash. The more organized you can be with packing, the faster you should be able to get it all done. This is also an exercise you can encourage your better half to do as well. They either are needing to make space for you or they are going through the packing process just like you. Either way, this helps to start off with less clutter and lose those unnecessary items that will just sit!

Besides your closet, this is a great exercise to incorporate throughout the whole packing process. By no means am I suggesting that you have to get rid of everything. It is however, good to think ahead to the space you will share with your partner. Is the space bigger or smaller? How much of that space will be dedicated for your clothes, etc? Having the answers to these questions will help you narrow down what you want to take with you. And remember, you just got married! You probably received gorgeous wedding gifts or generous gift cards and together you can buy new things for your home that you will both love.

Tip #2 – Be On The Same Page

Some may think this is a given but trust me, talk things through. We can leave out the obvious, where you are moving to 🙂 I’m talking more about details you may not think of. How are you moving? Are you hiring a moving company, are friends and family helping, or are you those brave souls who move on your own? If you are enlisting your friends or hiring a moving company, make sure they are available and book them in advance! Waiting till the last minute on this one will force you to be the brave souls doing it all yourselves.

I’m a list person so we had lists for everything to keep us on the same page for moving! You also want to chat about who is responsible for what. If you are moving to a home that is new to both of you, don’t forget about all the things you need to set up: internet, cable, tv, forwarding mail, etc. Is there an appointment for a closing or signing a lease where you both need to make sure you are available for? When you aren’t in the thick of it, it all makes sense so I suggest start making those lists before the craziness starts.

Tip #3 – Do Your Research

When Tristan and I were moving in together, we decided to partially move my apartment ourselves and have a moving company take care of the bulk of the move. Working with a reputable moving company is so critical. There was fine print that we were not aware of and it felt like highway robbery. Living in Central Florida, I wish I would have known about Infinite Moving. They service Polk, Orange, Osceola, and Lake counties. Infinite Moving has everything laid out on their website. Their extensive FAQ page would answer most of your questions and you wouldn’t be left with surprises the day of your move! Their overwhelming positive reviews from Angie’s List, Yelp, Google, and Home Advisor were all I need to see. Infinite Moving handles all types of moves as well. They even handle specialty hot tub moving in Polk County, Florida area. Next time I need any sort of moving service, Infinite Moving is at the top of my list.

Tip #4 – Organization is Key

I briefly spoke about organization earlier but it is a huge part of moving and is one of my top 5 moving tips. There are so many moving pieces, no pun intended 😉 So much involved in the process and things are easy to forget. You’ll want to make sure you have enough of everything as well. Moving boxes that are the right size, tape, markers, bubble wrap and all the other necessary moving supplies. There is nothing worse than being in the thick of packing and you run out of supplies. Make those lists and check things off as they are done. You’ll thank me later!

You may even want to write out a timeline. With moving, especially right after a wedding, there may be certain things that have a deadline and there is so much swirling around in that head of yours that you don’t want to miss a key date. Speaking of timeline, You may be roaring to go and you are on a packing mission. Keep a separate box or a clear bin where you can put your key essentials that you need once everything is packed and you can use once you arrive to your new home!

Tip #5 – Enjoy This Time

I saved my best tip for last. Try your best to enjoy this time and remember why you are moving! You are starting your lives together as a newly married couple. It’s a fun and exciting next chapter in your lives and you are starting to make so many wonderful memories. Keeping it real, most likely there will be some bickering involved. It sort of comes with the territory when moving. When it starts to happen, remind yourself that most likely, it isn’t worth the fight. Unless they forgot to schedule the movers!

Till Next Time,

Don't Miss It!


*** Thank you to Infinite Moving for sponsoring this post***

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