How To Stay Ahead This Holiday Season

Ready or not, here it comes! The holiday season will be upon us before we know it. If you’re like me, then your Fall decor is up and you’re anxiously awaiting that cool breeze for it to officially feel like Fall. Here in Florida, I may still have a little more time to wait, but I’m ready with my PSL in hand!

This year I feel like the approach to staying ahead of the holiday season will look different than years past. Gone are the days where you can shop the week of Christmas, assume all your family and their families family will be at Thanksgiving dinner. Things are different and adjusting will help you stay ahead and hopefully feel less stressed. Let’s get a game plan together and tackle this holiday season together!

Start Your Shopping Early This Year

If you do any form of online shopping, you are no stranger to the current state of affairs when it comes to shipping delays. You could be up against several obstacles this year when it comes to checking things off the Christmas shopping list. I’ve already made the hubby sit down and say ok, is there anything of high priority on your list of things to gift this year. In addition to individual gifts, every year we get my in-laws a “them gift”. Something that they can both enjoy together. This year’s them gift we ordered now to ensure it was in stock and we would have it on time.

I know this can be tricky. We all love a good sale. I would say if it’s something you would be really sad if you couldn’t gift, grab it now if you can. I’d rather miss out on a sale and be sure I had the gift to give. If you need to spread out your holiday shopping I recommend start with the hot ticket items first and save the stocking stuffers for last. You can still keep an eye out for that sale and if one pops up, see if they will give you a price adjustment! Never hurts to ask!

Family Dinners

To all of those who devote hours to the kitchen, this one is for you! Don’t assume that Great Aunt Mary is bringing her neighbor Betty Sue who has lived in the neighborhood for years. Unfortunately, I don’t think we are back in a place yet where everyone will be of comfort for social gatherings. I would highly recommend if you are hosting this year, to create some form of invitation. Depending on how formal you want to be, you can mail invitations with RSVP’s, you can send an email invitation, or you can pick up the phone and give them a call.

This will help eliminate the worry if you will have enough food but it will also eliminate over cooking. Could you imagine?! You’re up before the sun starting the feast for 30 people and dinner time rolls around and only 10 show up. Your guests will love the leftovers they get to take home and you could have saved yourself hours in kitchen.

Minimize Large Undertakings

When your hubby asks you if you guys should start your next home project since it will be done long before the holidays, just say no. When you are planning Thanksgiving dinner, almost everyone RSVP’d YES, and your neighbor asked if you could help with the Fall block party this year, just say no. These are some goofy examples but you get what I’m saying. If you have a lot going on allow yourself to say no! It’s the best gift your can give yourself.

24/7 logistics

Sometimes we are in situations that we have no control over. We do however, have control over how we handle it! I am a big believer in do-it-yourself. I’m also just as big of a believer in delegate when necessary. It’s ok, and healthy actually, to realize that certain undertakings at certain times are just not feasible!

Say for some unavoidable reason you have to pack up and move during the holiday season. To me, that would be a clear delegate task! I couldn’t imagine having to wrap my head around moving during the holidays so instead, I would reach out to a moving company here in Florida like 24/7 Logistic Services. They can handle as much or as little of the move as you would like. From the packing to the heavy lifting, they have you covered. 24/7 Logistics also handles local apartment moves to long distance moving in Hollywood, FL.

Till Next Time,

Don't Miss It!


**Thank you to 24/7 Logistics for sponsoring this post**

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